Mumbai: The year 2020 edition of the prestigious “Wagdhara Young Achievers’ Award” was held recently at Mukkti Cultural Auditorium situated at Model Town, Four Bungalow,
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Open letter to Breach Candy hospital, to the Trustees, to the Medical staff and Heart specialist Dr Kirti Punamiya
I would like to begin with that most times people write an open letter is because it is a complaint or rant against a hospital
UAE Based Aries Epica’s Director Satish Chandran wins the prestigious AVGC Award
Satish Chandran, Director of Aries Group and Executive Director of Aries Epica, has been chosen as one of the winners of the prestigious ‘AVGC 40
Indywood Bhasha Shihitya Puraskaram announces a significant Cash Award in the history of Malayalam Literature
After honoring many eminent personalities in entertainment, knowledge, and business, “Indywood awards,” is now spreading its wings into the Malayalam literature arena through “Indywood Bhasha
Kerala’s first DTS Post-production Studio Aries Vismayas Max is Now Protected by Wolf
A revolutionary mask-less solution to safeguard your surroundings Wolf Airmask bagged MSME Covid solution of the year award and Business Mint’s Social Innovation of the
Actress Pallavi Kulkarni Starrer Vinashkaal Film Relesaing On 27th Nov 2020
Pallavi Kulkarni actress of rare acting calibre her movie Rakesh Sawant’s Vinashkaal is releasing on 27 November or 4th December 2020, all over India, A Film by Rakesh
Rishabh Jain Starrer Vinashkaal Film Relesaing On 27th Nov 2020
Welknown Star Rishabh Jain’s new film Rakesh Sawant’s Vinashkaal film is releasing on 27th Nov 2020 all over India. Rishabh Jain plays a very daringly
Certified online grooming workshop by IFPL to aid fashion aspirants during the time of the pandemic
An online workshop is being conducted by IFPL and Mr. & Mrs. Indywood, in association with Dalu Fashion Factory, to equip fashion aspirants with the
Certified online grooming workshop by IFPL to aid fashion aspirants during the time of the pandemic
An online workshop is being conducted by IFPL and Mr. & Mrs. Indywood, in association with Dalu Fashion Factory, to equip fashion aspirants with the
Aries AIMRI conducts online Zoom course on Internal Auditors Training ISO 45001:2018
Aries AIMRI is conducting an online Zoom course on Internal Auditors Training ISO 45001:2018. This course is specially designed for benefitting Managers and Supervisors working